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News Flash : Imran Khan: No Success in Anti-TTP Operation Without Afghan Support Former Senator Assassinated In Yet Another Targeted Attack in ISKP’s Stronghold

TKD MONITORING: ISKP Magazine (Khorasan Ghag) Issue 28

Published | February 06,2024

By | TKD Team

TKD MONITORING: ISKP Magazine (Khorasan Ghag) Issue 28 image

Date of publishing: February 2, 2024

Publisher: Al-Azaim Foundation – Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP)

Content: Issue 28, Khorasan Ghag magazine


- Discussion of Babri Masjid and inauguration of Ram Mandir

- Criticism of Pakistan’s upcoming elections

- Comments on Islamic State and ISKP attacks inside Iran and Afghanistan, highlighting the connections between the two 

- Biographical section describing the story of ISKP member and former medical student

Threat: Sikh community in Afghanistan; India; elections in Pakistan; Iran

Language: Pashto

On February 2, ISKP published issue 28th of its Pashto language magazine,...