July 05, 2024


News Flash : Imran Khan: No Success in Anti-TTP Operation Without Afghan Support Former Senator Assassinated In Yet Another Targeted Attack in ISKP’s Stronghold

TKD MONITORING: ISKP Magazine (Voice of Khurasan) Issue 31

Published | December 22,2023

By | TKD Team

TKD MONITORING: ISKP Magazine (Voice of Khurasan) Issue 31 image

Date of publishing: December 21, 2023

Publisher: Al-Azaim Foundation - Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP)

Content: Issue 31, Voice of Khurasan (VoK) magazine


- Detailed list of suggestions on how to carry out attacks against Israeli citizens and Jewish people in Western countries

- Criticism of Pakistan’s political system, specifically against JUI-F

- Ample criticism of Eastern European countries attitude towards Muslim immigrants 

- QR Code for cryptocurrency for donation to ISKP

Threat: Jewish people; JUI-F party workers; Western nationals, specifically in Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic

Language: English
