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TKD MONITORING: Pro-Iran Pakistani Militia (Lashkar-e-Zainabiyoun) Calls for Support for Gaza and Retaliation against the US

Published | November 04,2023

By | TKD Team

TKD MONITORING: Pro-Iran Pakistani Militia (Lashkar-e-Zainabiyoun) Calls for Support for Gaza and Retaliation against the US image

Date of Publishing: October 26, 2023

Publisher: Lashkar-e-Zainabiyoun Media – Lashkar-e-Zainabiyoun

Content: Statement

On November 4, Lashkar-e-Zainabiyoun Media channel issued a statement dated October 26 on the ongoing conflict in Gaza. It was the first official statement released by the Pakistani citizens-made, Iranian paramilitary unit on the issue, while previously, the u...