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Tuesday, October 8, 2024

TKD EXCLUSIVE – Interview with the Founder of Syria-Based Muhojir Tactical

In November 2022, announced on various social networks and messaging platforms, a new tactical group was founded by Uzbek fighters in the Idlib governorate area, namely Muhojir Tactical.

Propaganda concerning Muhojir Tactical is active on numerous messaging platforms and social networks. One of the founders of the group, the Uzbek Abu Valid al-Shami explained what the tactical group would be about in an initial video presentation: ‘In this project, there will be introductions on how to use weapons, we will explain mistakes that should not be made in battle or actions that should be done, what uniforms and tactical material to use, how it should be worn’.

The tactical group was founded by two Uzbek jihadist fighters operating in Syria, Abu Valid al-Shami and Ayyub Hawk, the latter being not only the founder and leader of the jihadist tactical group but also the main instructor and present in all the videos, sometimes joined by others.
The first Muhojir Tactical video dealt with explaining how to use Tactical accessories, showing the different types of military clothing and tactical accessories, and explaining in detail how to use them, how to wear them, and their usefulness.
Subsequently, a further six videos were published, between 10 and 15 minutes long, explaining how to use AKs, and automatic weapons, carry out repairs on automatic weapons, what military equipment to use and tactical and target practice. The video and photo material produced has been widely distributed on social networks and messaging apps, in all Russian and Uzbek language channels, and in many pro-HTS channels, reaching thousands of views.
Below is the full interview:

The Khorasan Diary: Would you tell me a little about your story? What is your nom de plume? Your nationality? How did your story as a fighter begin? What prompted you to take up the path of Jihad?
My battle name is Ayyub, and my nationality is Uzbek. I was born in Kyrgyzstan and grew up in a single-parent family because of the war. Later, we moved to Russia. I found out that Muslim sisters are tortured and raped, which inspired me to come to Syria and protect defenceless women, children and the elderly.

TKD: Why did you decide to go and fight in Syria?
MT: When there was a genocide by the government against my people, I was one of those who waited for help from the whole world, but the help did not come, so when I found out that the Syrian people were oppressed I decided to come and help the oppressed.

Picture of Ayyub (left) and Abu Walid al-Shami (right), the founders and leaders of the tactical group.


TKD: How many years have you been fighting in Syria?
MT: Eight years.

TKD: When did you become a military instructor and why?
MT: I became an instructor three years ago to train new people and pass on my military experience.

Video posted on January 29, 2023. Titled “General weapons, AKM automatic”, Ayyub explains the different types of AKM and how to use and modify them.

In the past, I have seen photos and videos of Liwa al-Muhajireen wal Ansar in which you were present. What are your duties and role in the LMA?
MT: I am Liwa al-Muhajireen wal Ansar’s military instructor.

In November, I witnessed the start-up of Muhojir Tactical. What motivated you to find it?
MT: To pass on experience on a large scale and teach people how to defend their lives and handle weapons.

Who did you find it with?
MT: Abu Walid Shami.

Who is your training aimed at?
MT: To all those who are speakers of our language.

Does your tactical group only deal with training or does it also have other tasks, such as special missions or attacks?
MT: No, only military training.

What nationalities are you composed of?
MT: Many nationalities of migrants.

What is Muhojir Tactical’s relationship with other jihadist groups in the area?
MT: We are all pursuing a common cause. The relationship we have is one of trust.

What is the relationship with other jihadist tactical groups such as Albanian Tactical, Malhama Tactical (now part of the Liwa of HTS assault groups) and Yurtugh Tactical?
MT: I have not personally met the Albanian brothers. There are good relations with Malhama Tactical and also with Yurtugh Tactical.

What is your relationship with the Turkestan Islamic Party and what do you think of their anti-Chinese struggle?
MT: I cannot say anything.

Does Muhojir Tactical cooperate with Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) and its operations room?
MT: We are subservient to HTS, as Syria is their land.

Is Muhojir Tactical interested in supporting the fight against Russia or training fighters who want to fight against the Russians?
MT: Yes.

What is the role of foreign fighters in the HTS?
MT: Helping disadvantaged Muslims: I cannot speak personally about others because I am not a person of rank. I can tell you my position: I came to help oppressed Muslims, just as some people came to help in Ukraine against the Russian occupiers.

Many in the West and beyond consider HTS a terrorist group, what do you think?
MT: Defending one’s homes and land is not terrorism.

What do you think about the political situation in Syria?
MT: I am a soldier, not a politician.

What do you think about the fact that many countries have not helped the earthquake-stricken northwest of Syria?
MT: I am not surprised that other countries did not help Syria during the earthquake, because before this earthquake there was a global killing of Muslims and it did not bother anyone.

What do you think about the war between Russia and Ukraine and what do you think about Russian foreign policy in general?
MT: As I said before, I am not a politician, but I know one thing: an aggressor does not care where he attacks Muslims or brotherly people. I think the whole world sees and understands who the terrorist is.

Do you think that fighting Russia as an oppressor can also mean fighting it in other areas?
MT: Yes, certainly.

What do you think of the fighters who left Syria to fight against Russia in Ukraine?
MT: It is their choice.

Would you and your groups like to one day liberate your homelands and fight the Russians or any other oppressor?
MT: At the moment, my goal is to help the Syrian people.

Do you think that one day a struggle similar to the Chechen wars might resume in the Caucasus?
MT: Yes, it is possible, because the people are tired of corruption and oppression.

What would you say to the Western world that often judges you with prejudice and without knowing you?
MT: I believe that the West, after the Russian aggression in Ukraine, has discovered who the real terrorists are. I am only a defender of my brothers and sisters in the faith.

What is your opinion about the media and the foreign policy of Western countries towards the Mujahedin groups? What are we doing wrong? What don’t we understand?
MT: I would advise those looking for the truth, especially journalists, to contact the revolution’s leader and show what the reality in Syria is from the inside.

Daniele Garofalo is a researcher on militancy and an expert in propaganda monitoring. He tweets @G88Daniele

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